Met Office Synoptic Facsimile Pressure Charts
High Temp |
18.7° C |
Nottingham Weather Centre |
Low Temp |
-0.2° C |
Cairnwell |
Precipitation |
58.6 mm |
Tulloch Bridge |
Site Updates
As from early March 2008 the Met Office revised its output of MSLP forecast products.
In this revision the T+108 and T+132 based on 0000UTC data have been discontinued.
Currently the output now consists of MSLP analyses and 24-hour MSLP forecasts four times a day,
the analyses being for 0000/0600/1200/1800 UTC.
MSLP products, T+36/48/60/72 hours are available twice a day based on data times of 0000 and 1200UTC.
MSLP products for T+84 (verifies at midday on Day 3) are available once a day in the late morning,
MSLP products for T+96 and T+120 (verifies at midday on Days 4 and 5) available once a day in the late evening.
Please note that charts available on this websiter are only replaced when the later product becomes available.
Thus the set of charts above will be a mixture of forecasts based on different data times, that is based
on both the current forecast run and the forecast run based on earlier data.
Analyses are headed with the date and time of the analysis: e.g. Analysis chart valid 06 UTC MON 08 MAY 2024
Forecasts are headed with the forecast period and the date/time at which the forecast verifies.
e.g. 60 hour MSLP & THICKNESS Valid 12 UTC WED 10 MAY 2024.
The table below may be found useful when one wishes to access a forecast sequence based on a specific data time.
Analysis and a 24-hour forecast product: |
0530 1130 1730 2330 UTC |
Analyses and Forecast products out to T+72H |
0730 1930 UTC |
Analyses and Forecast products out to T+84H |
0930 (see Note 1) |
Analyses and Forecast products out to T+120H |
2330 (see Note 2) |
Note 1: If accessing the sequence after 0730 UTC the Analysis will be for 0600 UTC and the 24-hour forecast charts also for 0600 UTC.
Note 2: If accessing the sequence after 1930 UTC the Analysis will be for 1800 UTC and the 24-hour forecast charts also for 1800 UTC.