United Kingdom Respiratory 24 Hour Forecast

United Kingdom Air Stagnation 24 Hour Forecast
Air Pollution Information Service
Index and Bands
In the UK most air pollution information services use the index and banding
system approved by the Committee on Medical Effects of Air Pollution Episodes.
The system uses 1-10 index divided into four bands to provide more detail
about air pollution levels in a simple way, similar to the sun index or pollen index.
1-3 (Low)
4-6 (Moderate)
7-9 (High)
10 (Very High)
The overall air pollution index for a site or region is calculated from the highest concentration of five pollutants:
Nitrogen Dioxide
Sulphur Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Particles < 10µm (PM10)
Air Pollution Forecasts
Air Quality Forecasts are issued on a regional basis for three different area types:
In towns and cities near busy roads
Elsewhere in towns and cities
In rural areas
Forecasts are based on the prediction of air pollution index for the worst-case of the five pollutants listed above, for each region.
Health Advice
Latest studies report that:
When air pollution is LOW (1-3) effects are unlikely to be noticed even by those who are sensitive to air pollution.
When air pollution is MODERATE (4-6) sensitive people may notice mild effects but these are unlikely to need action.
When air pollution is HIGH (7-9) sensitive people may notice significant effects and may need to take action.
When air pollution is VERY HIGH (10) effects on sensitive people, described for HIGH pollution, may worsen.
Air pollution can cause short-term health effects to sensitive individuals (people who suffer from heart disease or lung diseases, including asthma).
Effects on sensitive people can be reduced by spending less time outdoors. 'Reliever' inhalers should lessen effects on asthma sufferers.
More details on effects, including long-term, are available in a free leaflet:
'Air Pollution - what it means for your health'.
Air Pollution Bandings and the Impact on the health of People who are Sensitive to Air Pollution
Banding | Index | Health Descriptor |
Low | 1, 2, or 3 | Effects are unlikely to be noticed even by individuals who know they are sensitive to air pollutants |
Moderate | 4, 5, or 6 | Mild effects, unlikely to require action, may be noticed amongst sensitive individuals. |
High | 7, 8, or 9 | Significant effects may be noticed by sensitive individuals and action to avoid or reduce these effects may be needed (e.g. reducing exposure by spending less time in polluted areas outdoors). Asthmatics will find that their 'reliever' inhaler is likely to reverse the effects on the lung. |
Very High | 10 | The effects on sensitive individuals described for 'High' levels of pollution may worsen. |
Boundaries Between Index Points for Each Pollutant
Band | Index | Ozone | Nitrogen Dioxide | Sulphur Dioxide | Carbon Monoxide | PM10 Particles | |||||
Running 8 hourly or hourly mean* | hourly mean | 15 minute mean | Running 8 hourly mean | Running 24 hour mean | |||||||
µgm-3 | ppb | µgm-3 | ppb | µgm-3 | ppb | mgm-3 | ppm | µgm-3 (Grav. Equiv.) |
µgm-3 (Ref. Equiv.) |
Low | |||||||||||
1 | 0-33 | 0-16 | 0-95 | 0-49 | 0-88 | 0-32 | 0-3.8 | 0.0-3.2 | 0-21 | 0-19 | |
2 | 34-65 | 17-32 | 96-190 | 50-99 | 89-176 | 33-66 | 3.9-7.6 | 3.3-6.6 | 22-42 | 20-40 | |
3 | 66-99 | 33-49 | 191-286 | 100-149 | 177-265 | 67-99 | 7.7-11.5 | 6.7-9.9 | 43-64 | 41-62 | |
Moderate | |||||||||||
4 | 100-125 | 50-62 | 287-381 | 150-199 | 266-354 | 100-132 | 11.6-13.4 | 10.0-11.5 | 65-74 | 63-72 | |
5 | 126-153 | 63-76 | 382-477 | 200-249 | 355-442 | 133-166 | 13.5-15.4 | 11.6-13.2 | 75-86 | 73-84 | |
6 | 154-179 | 77-89 | 478-572 | 250-299 | 443-531 | 167-199 | 15.5-17.3 | 13.3-14.9 | 87-96 | 85-94 | |
High | |||||||||||
7 | 180-239 | 90-119 | 573-635 | 300-332 | 532-708 | 200-266 | 17.4-19.2 | 15.0-16.5 | 97-107 | 95-105 | |
8 | 240-299 | 120-149 | 636-700 | 333-366 | 709-886 | 267-332 | 19.3-21.2 | 16.6-18.2 | 108-118 | 106-116 | |
9 | 300-359 | 150-179 | 701-763 | 367-399 | 887-1063 | 333-399 | 21.3-23.1 | 18.3-19.9 | 119-129 | 117-127 | |
Very High | |||||||||||
10 | 360 or more |
180 or more |
764 or more |
400 or more |
1064 or more |
400 or more |
23.2 or more |
20 or more |
130 or more |
128 or more |
* For ozone, the maximum of the 8 hourly and hourly mean is used to calculate the index value.
(Copyright 2011. The UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs)